Friday, November 12, 2010

Yay for the holidays!

So I know that I am going to get a lot of crap for this, but I am willing to deal with it! Since I had to start celebrating Halloween, decorating and watching scary movies in September, I was promised that I could start celebrating my favorite holiday EVER in November. I know, I know, "Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet," but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the holiday and am grateful for Thanksgiving. I just get over-excited about the holiday about Christ, and giving, and peace. So bear with me! We just had so much fun getting everything at the dollar store. I think it turned out pretty good for how cheap everything was! :)


  1. so cute! love the garland! and i totally agree- Christmas is my favorite holiday too :)

  2. Very cute! I love love decorating for the holidays! So is the baby stocking an "announcement" ha sorry.... ;) how do you do your blog header on top? Facebook me if u can :) happy holidays!!

  3. LUCKY!!! My husband won't let me decorate until after Thanksgiving! It looks so cute Kim!
